An Interview with Dr. Wayne Clough
Category: Event Calendar
Date and Time for this Past Event
- Tuesday, Sep 10, 2024 11:30am - 1:30pm
North Avenue Presbyterian Church
607 Peachtree St NE
On September 10, from 11:30-1:30, Dr. Wayne Clough, scholar, educator and visionary leader, will share highlights of his diverse and long career in an interview: “My Journey to the Writing Life, after Teaching, Being a University President and Serving as Secretary of the Smithsonian – Why It All Led to the Georgia Coast.” Following the interview, a light lunch will be served.
Dr. Wayne Clough is the President Emeritus of Ga. Tech and former Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. During his fourteen-year tenure as President of Georgia Tech, Dr. Clough helped transform the Institute into one of the leading research universities in the world. His tenure was marked by increases in enrollment as well as significant advancements in research, innovation and campus development, including the building of Technology Square and expanding in Midtown.
$10 for the event, including lunch. Register at NAPC/ Avenue.