Piedmont Ave Complete Street
Updated 5/2/2023
Piedmont Avenue Complete Street Project
(Ponce de Leon Ave to 15th St)
(ATLDOT Proj. No. 1015)
The images depicting the intersection of 6th Street and Piedmont Avenue above represent a “before and after” vision of Piedmont Avenue as imagined by the Midtown Transportation Plan. Specific alignments and materials may change as the design develops.
Project Overview
The City of Atlanta Department of Transportation TSPLOST Program, in partnership with Midtown Alliance, is planning improvements to approximately 1.1 miles of Piedmont Avenue between Ponce De Leon and 15th Street. This corridor was identified for improvements in the Connect Atlanta Plan and identified as a “complete street” project by the 2015 Renew Atlanta Bond program, as well as the Midtown Transportation Plan. Complete street projects are intended to increase safety and accessibility for all street users, especially for people walking, biking, and with limited mobility. The project includes the following improvements:
- Repurpose the eastern-most parking/travel lane with a protected one-way northbound bike lane (Ponce to 14th St)
- Replace the sidewalk on the east side of Piedmont between 14th Street and 15th Street with a multi-use path
- Formalize on-street parking on the west side of the street
- Improve crosswalks and curb ramps and shorten crossing distances where possible with bulb-outs
- Upgrade sidewalks to be ADA accessible
- Add stormwater planters to help relieve pressure on the combined sewer system
- Mill and resurface the roadway
Current Funding Sources
- City of Atlanta TSPLOST 1.0 funds
- Midtown Improvement District Funds
Progress to Date
Conceptual planning occurred November 2016 through July 2017 and included a traffic study and an inventory and analysis of existing physical conditions and on-street parking. This assessment identified opportunities to address issues such as excessive vehicle speeds, challenges for pedestrians crossing the street, and a lack of connectivity in the City’s bicycle network. A public meeting was held in March 2017 to present initial conceptual plans and receive input from the community. See design concepts linked in the gallery below.
The preliminary plans phase included additional public and stakeholder engagement and development of more detailed design documents. Detailed design and engineering kicked-off in 2018 to develop construction plans and bid documents. City approval of final construction documents was received in 2021. Following a public bid process, project construction is estimated for an 18-month duration.
What's Next?
Please continue to visit this project webpage for updates and contact transportation@midtownatl.com with questions.
For additional information on City of Atlanta Department of Transportation projects such as this one, please visit their website or click the graphic below.