Under Construction
Monthly Projects Update: July 2, 2024
Each month, we provide a construction update on our current Capital Improvement projects. See what's happening as we give you more to love about Midtown.
Projects Currently Under Construction
Click the project name below to learn more!
Construction mobilized within the public right-of-way in May 2023 and completed the majority of improvements on the east side of Juniper Street by February 2024. In March 2024, work shifted to portions of the west side of Juniper Street. Erosion control and traffic control maintenance is ongoing. Project contractors install daily lane closures and pedestrian detours as needed to enable safe work. In the near future, Midtown can expect to see new curbs and sidewalks and ADA ramps, planter pits and new trees, stormwater planters, and conduit and foundations for new streetlights.
Phase 1 substantial completion occurred in December 2023. Recently, a new mural and pavement markings went in at 10th Street crosswalk and 11th Street intersection. The City’s major water main break at West Peachtree Street and 11th Street in late May required emergency repair work in the intersection of Peachtree Walk and 11th Street. The City plans to return to the site to restore the materials in-kind to the state of Art Walk improvements prior to the incident.
3. Midtown 13th Street New Traffic Signals
With an effort to create safe intersection crossings for people walking, biking, taking transit, driving, and using shareable mobility devices, three new traffic signals have been installed on 13th Street and are operational.
4. Midtown Activity Center (Last Mile) Project
New traffic signals have been fully installed. Three remaining signals will receive striping, fiberoptic, and hardscape work before they are fully operational.
Street and sidewalk conditions will be improved as bike lanes are upgraded, sidewalk and curbing is replaced, ADA ramps are installed, and pedestrian lights are added for safety.
Construction of a new multi-modal street connection to extend 15th Street from its current end point at West Peachtree Street two blocks west to Williams Street.
7. Sidewalk Improvements (Annual Program)
Pictured below are two of the locations repaired by our construction forces in 2023. Crews replaced sidewalks and installed ADA-compliant driveway aprons on the north side of 4th Street between Peachtree St and Juniper St. Damaged sidewalk on the north side of 8th Street just west of Juniper St was replaced, as well as damaged ADA ramps, granite curb and adjacent paver furniture zones on the north side of the 8th St and Peachtree St intersection. Three new ADA-compliant driveway aprons were constructed on 3rd St between Peachtree St and Cypress St, and on North Avenue between Peachtree St and West Peachtree St. Other minor hardscape improvements, including grinding sidewalk trip hazards and tree well expansions were made at various locations throughout the District.
The program will continue into 2024, to help maintain and improve pedestrian mobility in Midtown.
Next Up for Construction
Midtown Alliance received construction bids for the 10th Street Bridge project on December 14, 2023. The contract was awarded to F.S. Scarbrough on June 6, 2024, and construction is expected to start within one to two months.
Midtown Alliance also received construction bids for the Spring Street US 19 project on February 29, 2024. Award is pending.
On the Design Boards
Visit this page to learn more about parks & plazas in the works, enhancements & activation underway, and six more major capital projects in the Design or Procurement phases that are projected to be under construction within one-to-two years.
Our ongoing projects help keep Midtown safe, improve accessibility, and enhance our livability. Contact us with questions or feedback on these projects and construction updates.